Vendor Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a vendor at the Rabbit Valley Farmers Market. As a Producer-Only Market, everything sold at the Rabbit Valley Farmers Market is offered by the farmers and artisans who help sustain the culture, economy, and environment of our region. If you did not grow or produce it yourself, you cannot sell it here. This ensures the freshest and highest quality product for our consumers. Vendors must be located within a 150 MILE RADIUS of the Downtown Ringgold (96 Depot Street, Ringgold, GA 30736).
Vendor Application
Please complete the form to apply to be a vendor at
Rabbit Valley Farmers Market.

By signing/submitting this application, I agree that I have read the Vendor Guide of the Rabbit Valley Farmers Market and agree to comply with it. I also understand that my application fee of $15 is non-refundable*. I agree to a farm visit/inspection from the Market Manager at any point before or during the market season. Further, I agree to sell only those items listed in the Vendor Application form unless an additional request is granted at a later date. I acknowledge full responsibility for all my actions and activities in the Market (and for those assisting me) throughout the term of this season’s market (April – November 2024).
I acknowledge the authority of the Rabbit Valley Farmers Market Manager to settle any disputes regarding product legitimacy, procedural and vendor conduct violations, and to impose any penalties, including possible suspension or removal from the Market.
*The $15 application fee may be paid via PayPal:
Checks made payable to Rabbit Valley Farmers Market may be mailed:
Rabbit Valley Farmers Market 304 Catoosa Station Road Ringgold, GA 30736
All other applicants will be invoiced upon receipt pf their application.
Vendor Information
Every Saturday May 4 - September 28, 2024 9am-1pm
Every Wednesday June 5- July 31, 2024 4pm-7pm (Agriculture and Food Vendors only)
Wine and Art Market April 27, 2024 6pm-9pm
Oktoberfest October 5, 2024 5pm-9pm
Harvest and Holiday Market November 15, 2024 5pm-8pm
Harvest and Holiday Market November 16, 2024 11am-5pm
Application Fee (all vendors) $15 non-refundable
Agriculture Vendors $15 per 10x10 booth space per market
Prepared Food Vendors $20 per 10x10 booth space per market
Craft and Art Vendors $20 per 10x10 booth space per market

Local & FRESH

Our mission is to provide our customers with the freshest produce and unique artisanal products. We take pride in supporting sustainable agriculture and Downtown revitalization initiatives through our market.